& Guide
came as a seeker looking for the lost ground.
place where once I glimpsed a mystery and then lost sight of it.
was in the days of innocence before ambition blotted out truth
gave me instead a goal and targets
which to measure the steady tread towards it.
I could speak of the journey and see companions along away.
all too easily we became competitors jostling for position
forging alliances rather than friendships.
I saw a placid pool and in it the reflection of a thousand, thousand
in the beauty of creation
inviting me to join them with uplifted spirit.
all I recognised was my own reflection,
sense of desolation and a grey uniformity.
was then that I told myself there must be more.
is the place that mystery hides itself waiting to be found and heard?
can I see that which I do not understand but am content to hear?
can silence create the exaltation of the stars
celebrate with the bird that sings its notes of rejoicing?
there such a place?
is that dim recalling of another age just an illusion,
fancy built in another time of which I never was a part but just
For something deep within says "There is more:
is something I once recognised".
response you show me a river
ask me to turn aside from my business
consider what it teaches:
look at its welling place where, from the soft soil,
forces its way into the world and begins its journey.
the very start it chuckles, laughing its way along its course
finding the easy path wherever it may be taken.
will not stop until it finds its place.
is this that I must learn.
is the Way I must follow.
Seeker came to the Guide’s door and asked where he should begin his
journey. “What is your destination?” the Guide asked. “I do
not know anything except that I must begin to travel in order to
discover another way,” the Seeker replied. “Then we shall begin
from here” said the Guide. “Look at yourself and tell me what
you see.”
see one who has wandered for many years,” said the Seeker. “I
have been to all manner of places and have seen wonderful and amazing
sights. I have owned houses and valuable things, taken a wife and
fathered children. I am very well off and want for nothing. But in
all of this I recognise that I have discovered no clear path. I have
grown older but have nothing more to say except that I have been to
more places and acquired more things.
many years I dismissed the possibility that there were things to be
thought about which did not depend upon what I could buy or afford.
Now I’m not so sure. I see others who ought to envy me but they
only look at me with sadness. They should look for my approval and
friendship for I could benefit them but they seek their fellowship
elsewhere. They seem to say to me ‘there is another way,’ and it
is this that I wish to find”
Guide pointed to the river which ran through the valley in which his
home stood. “There are,” he said, “some in this village who
have never left its boundaries. When they come to the banks of this
river you could ask them where this river comes from and where does
it go? And they would tell you that it is a mystery. If I told them
that the river begins in the hills fifty miles from here they would
be no wiser, and if I said that it flows into the sea, it would mean
nothing to them. So it is with the Way you seek: it is a mystery.
Way begins in the mists of time and comes to us where we are. It
enables us to travel to where we need to be and we will not see its
end in this world. To begin our journey we need to look at what we
Guide continued to speak as he led the Seeker to the river’s bank.
The water was broad and ran swiftly. It came from beyond a bend to
the left in the far distance and was marked in its course by grey
rocks. These thrust out of its depth and caused foam flecked
wavelets to acknowledge their place in the order of things. The
banks of the river were strewn with the debris of that higher level
of water which came when rains fell on the hills beyond the bend. As
trees spread their branches to shelter the river’s progress they
also half concealed deep pools. These lay still and almost unmoving
even though the strong currents surged only a metre or so away.
you believe this river could support you, hold you up and let you
rest in its bosom if you stepped into it? Do you see that pool?”
the Guide asked as he pointed to another bend in the river just
beneath them. There, just as the main stream sped away lay a large
semi-circular area of water. “If I said you could lay in that pool
and dream, would you believe me?”
Seeker pondered, looking slowly back and forth between the pool and
the Guide. Eventually he uttered a yes which lacked conviction but
contained truth. The Guide seemed almost not to hear. “Yes” he
said, “it would do so, and as you stepped into it, your belief
would have become faith. Our beliefs become faith as we give them
force by our actions. And as we do so faith, in turn, transforms us,
shapes us, takes us into itself. You would step into the pool as an
upright man and, as you gave effect to your beliefs, faith would
transform you into a horizontal one who floated and dreamt and was
sustained and became faithful. The river would hold you and would
become one with you in its midst.”
and Seeker sat together in silence beside the river following its
course as it disappeared round further tree-lined bends into a hazy
distance. “You do not need to prove your faith in this river”
remarked the Guide, “but you do need to learn its lessons. Your
answer was spoken from your head: you reasoned you could believe and
were prepared to do so. But your heart was not much in evidence.
grows only when reason, the mind and its beliefs and thoughts, are
brought into the heart. When that happens its as if we have planted
our beliefs in the richest soil. They spring to life, grow and are
given force and effect, as they flower and bear fruit through the
gift of life.
many ideas never see the light of day. We think a thought and then
discard it, so it never stirs into life of any sort. Another strikes
a chord with us and for a few moments we think that it may answer a
question but our enthusiasm wanes and the thought dies with it.
Sometimes we have a really good idea but then our busyness and other
ideas crowd it out. We never give it room to grow into a belief and
we soon forget it
you remained seated on this bank you’d never experience the water.
Were you to sit at the high water mark occasionally you’d get damp.
If you paddled you’d have some sense of the pace of things, but
not much. To really test your belief you need to go in, all the way
in, only then does faith have a chance to grow.”
at the Guide’s house when they sat down after breaking bread, the
Guide gazed into the fire and sipped his wine. “You have told me
how the first part of your journey has ended. Can you tell me now
how it was when you set out?”
a youth” responded the Seeker, “I tried to worship God but I
could never find Him for myself. I only discovered a shadow of God
given to me by my mother. She had preserved it just as it was when
she was a girl and did her best to pass it on to me. My father had
abandoned God in favour of material things which he believed would
bring him greater pleasure and happiness. He also sought the
friendship of men who would, he thought, benefit him in business. He
died surrounded by silent idols, all the symbols of his wealth and
success. His friends wrote saying they would miss him but few of
them came to see him go. After that even the shadow of God in my
Mother disappeared.
on I could not come to terms with those for whom leading people to
God was little more than a job. If being Holy were indeed a mere
task carried out for payment, then it seemed to me an odd way of
going about it. What is more, I could not distinguish between those
who said they had discovered God and those who had not, other than
that some gathered in one place and some in another or not at all.
gave up the search for God and got on with making myself as
comfortable as possible. I threw myself into the pursuit of wealth
and pleasure and determined that what suited me would come first and
be my yardstick.”
the absence of God you became god for yourself,” the Guide mused
over his rhetorical question and the fire fizzed and spat as it
received a new log. “Do you see this fire?” he asked. “It
considers nothing but itself. Whatever is presented to it, it
consumes or spits out to die on the hearth. It is determined to make
everything like itself, nothing is ever allowed to retain its own
character and identity within the flames. Even the things it cannot
swallow up or reject, this iron for instance, it heats and makes glow
like its own colour.
is so easy for each one of us to be individualistic and to disguise
our isolation by our clubs and gatherings. We turn against anyone
who refuses to conform to our pattern. But, as your father
discovered, when the only motivation is our own gain then there is no
spirit present and then we begin to be consumed by our own greed and
individualism. Everything that comes our way is gobbled up and
converted to our own purposes. We spit out anyone who does not
conform. We use people to serve our ends and then we discard them,
like ashes from the fire, when they can be of no further use.”
a long time there was silence. Eventually the Guide spoke again.
“If we are to begin,” he said, “then we must speak of faith.
Until now your faith has been in yourself. Your yardstick has been
your own success in achieving the comfort you prized. We discover
the Way does not lie in that direction when we confront the Questions
asked by One who comes to meet us as we journey. If the Questioner
asked, “What do you believe?” How would you answer? That is
what you must consider.”
following day dawned with the golden mellow glow that heralds the
onset of autumn. The river wound its cheerful way burdened by its
heavy load of peat carried down from the hills in the far distance.
Guide and Seeker walked steadily along the river bank against the
flow of the current.
believe,” said the Seeker, “that there must be a better way than
the one I have been following. I say this because I have followed a
path mapped out by the pursuit of my own goals with pleasure and
self-interest being the yardsticks of my success. I have wealth but
feel that personally I have no substance and my pleasures bring me no
lasting happiness. I see others whose lives are a drudgery compared
with mine but whose happiness appears far greater. This makes me
believe there must be a different way from the one I have chosen and
that it is one that brings better results. I also recognise within
myself a conflict between my thoughts and feelings.”
Guide’s attention was refocused by this last statement. Until then
he had seemed intent on studying the path they were following, but
now he looked keenly at the Seeker as he asked, “Could you say more
about this conflict between your thoughts and your feelings?”
as if my thoughts tie me to the past but my feelings are dragging me
forward into the future” the Seeker replied. “I am constantly on
the move between feelings of insecurity that demand more and more to
satisfy them and thoughts which accept and justify what I have
already accumulated and intend to increase.”
you have already said that this response to life takes you nowhere in
terms of your understanding of yourself and your circumstances”
said the Guide gently, for he sensed that the Seeker was now
approaching a difficult area. There was a long silence during which
the two men slowly climbed away from the level ground of the wide
valley in which the Guide’s home stood.
river’s course had taken them in a long sweep towards the hills
and, as it had done so, the valley narrowed as it rose almost
imperceptibly. More of the underlying rock became exposed in the
ancient pathway and the smooth swathes of grassland on which the
village stood were now replaced by ones which were altogether course,
more tufted and sparse. The travellers became aware of a breeze
which seemed to have come from nowhere but which now brushed their
foreheads with a touch which cooled and refreshed.
us pause for a while and enjoy what we see” the Guide spoke gently
but firmly. Just away form the path stood a beech tree whose bronze
leaves spread a sturdy canopy through which the rays of the sun
sought their way. The Guide motioned the Seeker to sit and both
rested their backs against the trunk of the tree. They gazed at the
valley path, the village now below them in the distance and the river
which was flecked with foam as the water rushed and roared coursing
through a much narrower channel among the rocks which sought to
contain it.
Guide produced sandwiches and an apple which he passed to the Seeker
and each man ate in silence taking in the panorama before them.
After some while the Guide spoke again. “You have told me about
your thoughts and feelings and you have spoken of your search for a
better way. You seem to have recognised, however dimly it may seem
to you at present, that there are many things we believe we want
which however, when we look more closely, we do not actually need.
Many men receive great sums by way of reward for their labours. They
do not need what they receive but nevertheless want it because they
believe it increases their status in the eyes of the world. Indeed
it may do so for some, but for others it merely shows how far removed
such people are from the reality of life for so many others.
have self-respect when we recognise and meet our needs but have
learned to control our desires. It is also then that we earn the
respect of the wise. Your father needed genuine friendship but you
learned, through his life and death, that possessions cannot supply
this nor can mere companionship bought by business favours and
own life is like the needle on a machine registering an earthquake.
It travels to and fro matching your frantic activity as you try to
meet the demands of the voices of the past and the imaginings of the
future. When the earthquake ceases the needle comes to rest in a
steady, straight line. This reflects the silence of the moment in
which we live, for it is that which links us to eternity. It is in
that silence that we are asked the Questions. You have said what you
believe. Now examine your answer in the light of another question.
What do you need?”
need to discover what is true” said the Seeker. “Is it what I
think or what I feel?” “Must it be either the one or the other?”
asked the Guide. “Are there no other possibilities? Tell me more
of your need for the truth in the light of your doubts about the time
you have spent acquiring all the things you have.”
recognise that what I own does not answer my questions and that I
need a different view of things” said the Seeker. “The things
that surrounded my Father when he died looked at him and saw nothing,
listened to him but heard nothing.”
the Guide observed. “Now listen to the silence of this place, the
silence of this tree. Here it stands waiting for sunshine, for rain,
for the seasons which come and go. It spreads its branches and
reaches upward to the sky; another part of it pushes downward far
into the earth and spreads root outwards in all directions. Without
moving from this place this tree grows, matures, generates itself,
sires off-spring and fulfils its purpose. It follows the pulse and
pattern of life around itself. It responds to the seasons. It
receives some light from above and moisture from below and from them
synthesises the energy for life. This tree lives and breathes and
has its being. What does it teach you? What is its truth?”
Seeker had never thought before that a tree could teach him anything.
Yet as the Guide had spoken, so the Seeker had begun to look more
closely at the trees around them. He now stood up and slowly and
carefully examined the beech which had provided them with their
lunchtime shelter. Already it had begun to shed its leaves. Thus it
had provided a golden-brown glow around its trunk showing the extent
of its span by the almost perfect circle into which the carpet of
leaves had fallen. Its bark was lined by the years but shone with
the vibrancy of life as it curved upward around the trunk and showed
here and there the places, now healed over, where branches had once
reached out. As he stood back he noted the sweeping curve formed by
the tips of the branches which made it possible to imagine a small
private and personal rainbow being formed to surround it. There was
here, he realised, a grace and elegance of shape and form; there was,
too, strength and purpose. The tree had its place and filled it to
teaches me” the Seeker said, “that there must be an interchange
within us, a sort of dialogue, if we are to grow as we should and be
what is intended. This tree can stand for months and seem inactive
but it is in fact waiting with a quiet expectation for the message,
which its branches will hear and tell of, that the new season has
come. And as that word goes one way, so its roots begin the process
of taking and converting and then pushing back the energy for new
life and growth.” He felt himself strangely exhilarated by the
picture he saw in his mind’s eye as he spoke. This tall, strong,
silent tree full of harmonious energy through spring and summer was
now preparing to rest as it responded to the voice of the season
calling down its leaves and slowing the flow of life to the steady
pulse of winter rest.
Guide sat silently respecting the Seeker’s journey of discovery as
his awareness grew. Eventually it was right to return to the path.
“You are right,” the Guide said leading the way. “This tree
teaches us that integration leads to healthy growth. It also shows
us that patience is rewarded and that waiting in the present is far
better than either living in the past or rushing to meet the future.
Nature does not outstay its welcome or anticipate itself. Sometimes
autumn is early and spring late but these things have a habit of
balancing out.”
packed the remains of their lunch and resumed their journey. After a
while the Seeker broke the silence of their steady progress. “So
what must I do?” he asked. By this time the path was growing steep
and was more rock than grass. The river once wide and lethargic was
now much noisier. It seemed to rush with a fierce pace as it forced
its way through the narrow channel it had dug in the face of the
rock. Here and there large boulders lay strewn showing the force
with which the river could flow when the winter rains came.
you must do now is to consider this path” said the Guide. “When
we set out it was part of a pleasant meadow. Now its covering is
coarse and sparse. The surface has been stripped away and we have
reached the point where the rock beneath says to us ‘so far and no
further.’ That is how it has to be with you. The Way you seek
cannot be travelled with pretence, only with complete commitment.
The Questions can only be heard by one who is open to being totally
honest and prepared to face change without reservation. So far we
have talked about faith and you have explored your beliefs,
especially the things which brought you here. If we go on you must
be ready to become like this path and to face yourself as you really
are; is that something which you want to do?”
Seeker looked back along the path. The village was now little more
than a few wisps of smoke from specks of houses; dusk was fast
approaching and ahead stood a small cottage which he guessed was
their destination. “Can I reflect on what you have said?” he
asked. “Of course,” was the reply. “Now come and meet a
friend who can provide a place apart for your purpose if you decide
to go further,” the Guide said leading the way to the door. The
Seeker knocked and was greeted warmly by one of the most attractive
people he had ever met. Quietly, almost it seemed without movement,
he found himself seated before a large fire in a room which exuded
years later, when the Seeker was asked to describe their host on that
evening, he made several attempts to begin but each time he failed.
He could not focus with precision on any particular feature which
would enable a physical description to be given nor was there
anything remarkable in her voice or conversation. Yet, there was
about her a quiet radiance, a warmth and peacefulness that soothed
and brought comfort merely by her presence. The three ate a meal
together which was enjoyable in itself but doubly so because it
appeared without fuss or pretence and seemed to bring with it some of
the presence of the one who had prepared it.
before the fire when the meal was over and with a glass of a clear
wine tinged with a golden glow, the Seeker found the Guide to his
left and their host to the right. She sat with her hands resting in
her lap and when she looked at him it was with a gentle and inquiring
gaze from eyes which seemed to remind him of many others, yet were
like none he had ever known and whose colour he could not describe.
You have asked for time to reflect,” she said. “That is good if
you are to hear the Questions, but have you, I wonder, understood
what this means?” The voice which spoke to the Seeker was like the
rustling of the autumn leaves on the stone of the pathway yet it cut
clean through to the place where his thoughts arose and showed him
his lack of comprehension. She saw his answer and continued, “There
is One who meets us in the Silence, in a place where there is no time
and where darkness is utter and complete. In this place there is
nothing upon which to stand and yet we do not fall, it is a void and
yet we are not alone, there is no space and yet we float infinitely,
there is total silence and yet we hear what is ours to understand.
In this place the darkness is so deep as to be like the touch of warm
velvet. To enter into this presence is something only possible when
we have faced ourselves with complete honesty and committed ourselves
to discovering the Way no matter what the cost may seem to be.”
paused and as she did so the Seeker found himself pondering his
father’s group of businessmen and his lonely commitment to it.
“No” she said, “It is not at all like it was with your father.
The Seeker looked up, startled, and stared first at the Perceiver and
then at the Guide. “It was written on your face and in your
heart,” she said. “Your father’s path, however well
intentioned, was unwise. He thought to gain more security but
mortgaged his integrity in the process. His insecurity made him
gullible and brought him no enlightenment. The Way which is open to
you will cost you everything that you have, but only because you will
see the need to examine all that you receive and own, and to consider
whether you have truly earned and deserved it. You will also
consider yourself and your conduct and relationships in order to
discover the nature of your own integrity. Remember that cost, in
your journey of discovery, is not just examined in material terms.
No, such adjustments as are needful, arise only because of what we
discover within us and it is there that the real cost occurs. When
our minds uncover the reality of our heart’s desire, when our
hearts illuminate the true purpose of our thoughts and we admit who
we are, that is when the real price is paid. It is this upon which
you must reflect.” The Perceiver stood, picking up something from
the edge of the hearth as she did so, and gestured to the Seeker to
follow her. As he left the room the Guide nodded and smiled.
passageway which led from the room in which they had been sitting was
just as warm and friendly; there were doors on either side and the
Perceiver opened one and entered the room beyond. It was arranged as
any normal bedroom except that in the centre of the floor at one end
was a small pool. The Seeker’s mind went back to the bend in the
river he had passed earlier, for the pool was so shaped as to recall
the Guide’s words ‘If I said you could lay in the pool and dream,
would you believe me?’ He also remembered his reply and its lack
of conviction.
Perceiver anticipated his question. “You may bathe in the pool,”
she said. “It is fed by the river and cleanses itself; it is quite
safe.” Was there just a trace of humour the suggestion of the
enigmatic smile in the Perceiver’s expression the Seeker wondered,
but there was no basis on which he could ask a question. “If you
need anything I will be in the sitting room” said the Perceiver,
“but this is your place apart. I believe all you need for
reflection is here.” She stared briefly at the pool then at the
Seeker and quietly and without any apparent hurry opened her hand to
reveal in it a small piece of rock. “This comes from the path you
have trodden; let it speak to you of what it is to be laid bare in
the search you say you want to make.” She turned and placed the
rock on a small table, smiled at the Seeker and was gone.
Seeker took stock of his surroundings. His room was spacious but not
extravagant. In one corner was a door that led to a toilet and wash
basin. The bed looked crisp and welcoming with its white sheets and
blankets. Beside the table on which the rock had been placed was a
comfortable chair and the Seeker sat down, suddenly acknowledging how
tired he was. He further reflected that he was in a strange house
with two people he did not know, having completed what seemed like a
twenty mile walk. The bed looked very inviting but, as a salve for
aching limbs so did the pool beside which were two large white
was strange that as the Seeker settled in his mind that a dip in the
pool before retiring to bed was very sensible, so did a number of
fears arise in his heart. Was it wise to get into a pool with
apparently no bottom to it, in a room where he was alone, in a house
he did not know, when for all he knew the only two other people could
have left? He stood up and suddenly saw his own reflection in the
pool which was perfectly still like a sheet of glass. “You are
here to reflect and to confront yourself as you really are in doing
so.” The Seeker realised he was speaking to himself. He slowly
undressed and lowered himself into the pool. He gasped, for after
the warmth of the room, the cool waters of the pool stung. There
was just enough room to swim a stroke or two from side to side but
the Seeker recalled the Guide’s question and kept wondering if the
pool would support him and let him dream. His doubts sprang from the
rational view that it was sheer folly to go to sleep in such a
situation but he felt so certain that the Guide would not have asked
an irrational question, so when he had said ‘yes’ he spoke the
this day the Seeker does not know if he slept in the pool and dreamt,
whether he got out of the pool and dreamt or whether what he recalls
actually occurred at all. It really does not matter, but the truth
for him of his encounter with the pool does, for it is part of his
on his back in the pool and gazing upwards the Seeker was intrigued
by a fresco painted on the ceiling which had previously completely
escaped his notice. It was of a young man sitting on a rock in the
middle of a desert. The smile on the young man’s face was familiar
but the Seeker could not imagine why until he recognised a similarity
between the man and his host. He could not have said that they were
related but they certainly shared the same quizzical smile and
puzzling eyes which, even in a picture, seemed to present the Seeker
with a challenge.
imperceptibly the Seeker became aware of two things which impinged on
his consciousness simultaneously. The first was that he was sinking
and the second that he was not drowning. These realisations were
reinforced by the fact that he was not afraid, indeed as he descended
he looked around him seeing quite clearly the wall of rock which
completely encircled him. He examined the rock in his hand, the one
his host had given him and which he could not recall picking up,
after all why would he have done so, and noted its similarity to that
which surrounded him. He also noted that he could see and that this
was because a pale light filtered through the water from somewhere
far below. The Seeker then became aware of a far brighter light
coming from over his shoulder and, kicking with his feet, propelled
himself towards it. He found himself in a side passage which
suddenly turned at right angles driving the Seeker upwards as it did
so and causing him to explode into another pool identical to the one
he had left hours, or was it minutes or seconds, before. He climbed
out to see two white towels and a pile of clothes beside the pool.
He dried himself and dressed while examining his surroundings.
Seeker seemed to be in a well-lit cave devoid of any indication of
ownership, occupancy or location. Indeed the only reason for the
existence of the cave seemed to be that it housed the pool which now
had resumed its state of total stillness and did nothing more than
offer the Seeker his reflection.
Seeker looked down at the warm brown rock in his hand and considered
its surface. He felt no urges to do more than think about the
Perceiver’s words when she said ‘let it speak to you’ and so he
sat down cross-legged beside the pool with the rock on the floor of
the cave before him. The first thing he registered was that he was
alone, utterly and completely alone.
could not remember the last time he had been alone like that. Yes,
he had undertaken the journey to the Guide’s house on his own but
there were folk on the road and round about. He had passed through
towns and villages, nodded to people as they passed and had never
been, or felt, alone. His situation now was different. He had no
idea where he was and could hear no sound and that was a second
surprise, for life ordinarily was so full of sounds, some welcome,
others not.
Seeker looked again at his rock; it was alone and made no sound. He
saw marks on it, scratches here, imperfections there; he felt its
smooth areas worn by time, the action of the river perhaps, who could
tell. It reflected him and his situation, solitary, silent and
alive. The Seeker almost reeled backward as he heard himself say the
word ‘alive.’ After all, how could a piece of rock be alive?
decided to put this thought to one side and got to his feet picking
up the rock as he did so. There were a number of possible ways of
leaving the cave but one seemed, for no special reason he could
identify, to be the right one. At a steady pace and conscious of his
heart beat, he set off up a gentle gradient along a passageway filled
with the same pale light that had illuminated the pool and the cave.
a sound pressed upon the Seeker’s consciousness. It spoke of
storms, the swirling leaves of autumn and the waves of winter seas.
He had wondered in the warmth of the cave why a cloak was the last
item of clothing in the pile and suspected that the answer was about
to become apparent. He arrived at the mouth of the passageway quite
quickly now; he rounded a bend and there was his first glimpse of the
outside world.
first impression the Seeker had of what lay beyond the cave was of an
overwhelming sameness. The rock here was a uniform and oppressive
grey and the wind, which roared now, stirred up clouds of grey dust.
The opalescent light was dulled by the grey filter through which it
passed and a coldness crept upon the visitor like a dull ache which
threatened to numb both flesh and sense.
Seeker could see no sign to guide him. Indeed, as he drew the rock
from his pocket, he was almost dazzled by its richness of hue
contrasted with the overall greyness of his surroundings. He placed
the brown rock on a grey slab as a marker and noted with satisfaction
that it glowed like a small beacon securely unmoved by the wind which
blew around it.
the absence of any feeling about whether to go one way or another,
the Seeker set off to the right. Almost immediately he was
confronted by a pile of rocks and boulders which had not been visible
through the grey cloud of dust carried on the wind that now blew
directly into his face. It forced him to use his cloak to cover his
nose and mouth but already he had grit in his mouth from licking his
dried lips. He struggled over the rubble which confronted him
seeming to climb as he did so but, after what seemed like an age, he
could see no further and was still surrounded by rocks and boulders.
If anything, the wind was now more intense; it screamed as it tore at
his cloak and at one and the same time it chilled his body and burned
his face. He looked ahead of him and saw nothing other than greyness
through his smarting eyes. Then he squinted, screwing his eyes to
try and make out a shape, a shadow, something, someone standing
motionless just at the edge of where the rocky shapes merged into
grey emptiness. Just for a second the wind eased as if to draw
breath, someone became visible and then was gone as the wind returned
even more intense than before.
Seeker made to stand up and go on but in the act of doing so,
realised it was impossible. He felt drained by the effort of
covering the few yards he had travelled. He knew he must go back.
Such was the intensity of the wind now that the greyness was becoming
darker with the thickness of the dust that swirled about within it.
The return journey was a stumbling shamble with the Seeker moving
like a drunken man, buffeted by the wind, stung by dust and grit, now
conscious of a growing fear brought on by the intense gloom. The
uniform and impenetrable greyness of his surroundings rendered him
almost blind. There was nothing to distinguish where the Seeker had
come from or been to, no footprints, no feature, no sign of any kind
by which to distinguish the entrance to his cave from any other spot
in this featureless wasteland. Just as he felt he was slipping
towards hysteria, hearing the wind speak his mind as it howled about
him, the Seeker saw the rock seeming to shine out to him like a
beacon. There it sat on its grey slab seeming to be an oasis of calm
stillness in that screaming, grey world.
he was so weak the Seeker could only crawl towards the rock and on
reaching it took it in his hand and went on into the cave. He did
not remember the journey back to the pool although he reasoned that
he must have made it. Nor did he recall returning through the
waterway to the pool in his room although, he surmised, that was how
he had returned. In any event he awoke on his bed, in the room to
which the Perceiver had shown him and he saw that the rock rested on
the table exactly where he had placed it when he had first entered.
the Seeker went into the passageway, he had the distinct feeling that
he was moving into a different world. He remembered the Perceiver’s
reference to a place apart and realised that was how he already felt
it to be. He was confused by his recent experience unable to
determine whether it had been dream or reality, fact or imagination
and, if fact, how had it been accomplished? The Seeker had been
unable to find one shred of evidence to suggest that he had even
entered the pool let alone visited another world full of greyness and
screaming winds.
the Seeker entered the room where he had eaten the previous night (at
least he assumed it was the night before) the Guide and the Perceiver
were sitting at the table and his chair was waiting for him. It was,
he felt, as if they had known that he would join them precisely at
that moment for everything was ready for breakfast to begin. The
Seeker was welcomed with warm smiles and was offered, and soon
enjoying, as good a meal as he could remember having at that time of
day. The conversation involved inconsequential pleasantries until
the Perceiver suddenly addressed him while gazing quizzically with
her disconcerting eyes. “Did you enjoy your night’s rest?” she
asked. Before he could think in any depth about his response, the
Seeker replied “I don’t think I rested much.” His two
companions remained silent and the Seeker felt relief spreading
through him as he was able to give an account of the previous night’s
Seeker spoke of the pool, of the place where he emerged and of the
grey world he had tried to explore. He described the figure he
thought he had seen, the violence of the wind and his struggle to
find his way back. He also told of the role played by the rock which
had been his marker. Throughout his story the Guide and the
Perceiver remained silent, listening intently. When he had finished
the silence remained for a considerable time and the Seeker found
himself contrasting this experience with that of the grey world with
its screaming wind. He marvelled at the tranquillity he was enjoying
and the warmth of the silence that surrounded him. Eventually the
voice of the Perceiver, seeming almost like a whisper, asked “How
do you feel?” The Seeker considered this question. “I am glad
that I have been able to talk about what I have experienced” he
said, “but I feel perplexed that I don’t know whether I actually
made a physical journey or not. I remember, for instance,
experiencing the pain of that wind about my mouth and yet there is no
trace now of the soreness I was feeling then.” Again there was
silence and the Seeker continued. “I feel even more uncertainty
about whether I saw someone or something in that other place and even
as I use the word ‘saw’ I want to say ‘felt’ instead.”
you are feeling glad, perplexed and uncertain?” said the
Perceiver, seemingly unsuprised. “Yes” the Seeker replied. But
if he was feeling comfortable at that moment, the next he most
certainly was not. “Where do you think you went on your journey?”
the Perceiver asked, and when the Seeker looked at her, she was
gazing at him with a penetrating intensity.
Perceiver’s question had remained unanswered. The Guide saw how
the Seeker was at a loss to reply and quietly interposed a new
subject which diverted the focus of the conversation. “Would you,”
he enquired, “like to explore some of the higher places today? We
can, if you like, go to the source of the river.” After some brief
conversation it was agreed and the Seeker returned to his room to
prepare for the journey. However, the question remained; where had
he been? It was then it struck him that the Perceiver had not
questioned his view that he had been somewhere so she obviously
believed he had made a journey. The more the Seeker mused on this
fact the less able he felt to name the place he had encountered.
morning proved to be one whose blue sky and bright sun sought to
deceive, for there was a sharpness to the wind which brought instant
colour to the walkers’ cheeks. The village below looked for all
the world like some model in a schoolroom, the hills above were in
turn rich brown and steely grey against the sky. There was an
excitement in the Seeker as the sight of the green and deep purple of
the heather which covered great swathes of the landscape and, when
there was grass along the way, it was springy underfoot. The Seeker
took several deep breathes of the fresh, crisp air and as the Guide
joined him, they set off.
two had been provided with neat packages of food and flasks which
felt warm to the touch. These had appeared on a table in the hall of
the cottage. The Perceiver had not been there in person but the
Seeker felt her presence and found himself strangely conscious that
she had watched them go although he had not seen her. The climb away
from the cottage was steady rather than steep and the Seeker found
the journey exhilarating. Slowly it dawned on his consciousness that
he was contrasting his surroundings, their openness and freshness,
the ease and freedom of his stride and the companionship of the Guide
with the isolation, greyness and wearying struggle of that other
place. The images rested with him for a moment and then slowly faded
but their memory was stored, for the Seeker knew they were important
and that there was the question to be answered.
Guide and Seeker reached a fork in the pathway, the Guide motioned to
the Seeker to stop. “I am going on this way for I have business in
the next village. Your path is that way!” he said pointing to the
gradually rising ground which led to more hills in the distance. “I
will be here again towards teatime; go and see what you can discover
but do not be afraid to rest awhile for not all discoveries lie in
the distance. Sometimes they are at our feet.” The Seeker nodded
his farewell and set off. He walked for some while; he did not note
the precise time but stopped when he became conscious that now the
sun was approaching its zenith. What was more, his exertions had
produced pangs of hunger. He sat down on a comfortable looking rock
at the path’s side and emptied his pack using it as a cushion for
his back. He ate slowly taking in his surroundings as he did so
observing that from this high place he could no longer see the
village or indeed any sign of human existence. His world was now one
of rugged cliff, purple heather, springy grass and a few scattered
and stunted trees and bushes. His companions were an occasional bird
hovering in the up-drafts of the air trapped and channelled along
cliff faces and a stray sheep or two. Largely his world was silent,
apart from the rustling of the wind and the faint and distant sound
of a stream struggling along its way to join the river far below.
Seeker’s mind wrestled with the stark contrast between the scene
around him in this clear, clean air and the grey screaming bleakness
of that other place. Why was it, he asked himself, that here I am
alone and not afraid and there I felt so threatened? Even as this
question entered his mind the answer began to form; he knew that what
was confronting him was himself. The grey place was no more than his
own state of mind, arid, uniform and frantic. At one and the same
time empty and full of business and howling confusion. He had
entered another world and there confronted himself. Here on the cold
firmness of a rocky outcrop in the fresh hill air he was encountering
something quite different. Suddenly he could see the Perceiver. Her
eyes were gazing at him intently but also, it seemed to him, looking
beyond him. They transported him back to a scene from his past.
the Seeker stood a man who had borrowed some money, an insignificant
amount, from a float in his control used to finance minor everyday
needs. The workman had put in a note saying what he had done and
promising to pay the money back on his next payday. This conduct was
contrary to the rules and, despite his exemplary record and the fact
that he had a wife and child to support, the Seeker had sacked him
instantly. Everyone he had spoken to had praised his firmness and
courage; he had set the right example. After all, rules were rules
and if a small one were broken today, another bigger misdemeanor
could follow tomorrow. Yet deep, deep down in his heart he had felt
a sadness, wondered whether there was another way but the logic of
the situation had told him not to waste his time because it was an
‘open and shut’ case which needed no further consideration.
Until today he had not thought of it again, but now he saw the
sadness in his wife’s eyes as he told her what he had done. He had
not noticed it before. He also saw his daughter shrinking away from
him and it dawned on him that the workman’s daughter had been one
of her special friends; why, he wondered, had he not recognised that
scene shifted and he saw himself relaxing on holiday with no expense
spared. There were various business friends near him laughing and
joking. But there in the background, he had not noticed them at the
time, were his wife and children. They were unhappy and out of
place, caught up in an expensive charade of which they did not want
to be a part of. Why, he wondered, had he not realised that
Seeker heard the voice of the Perceiver speaking as if from far away.
“You have said that you need to see things from a different point
of view. You obeyed the rules you had laid down but now you can see
perhaps something of the price paid for them. You spent a lot of
money to keep up with your so-called friends but now you can see
something of the price paid by your family who were always outsiders,
never accepted. It remains for you to decide this: are you ready to
face yourself? Are you ready to answer the question: Who am I?”
Seeker stood up. He was shaken by the vividness of his new
perception and the clarity with which he had seen and heard the
Perceiver’s challenge; gentle insistence was how he described it
subsequently. He also commented to those who sometimes came to seek
his advice that he was aware that what had happened was quite
illogical, the Perceiver was after all miles away, but he accepted
his experience without question. Her ability to enter his thoughts
in this way was paradoxically quite natural to him. He had finished
his meal and now moved on, climbing gently higher until rounding an
outcrop of grey rock he came to a vigorously flowing stream which
emerged from the foot of the rock face. He knew that this was the
source of the river which, as it seemed to him now, he had sat beside
in another lifetime.
Seeker became aware that as he rounded the outcrop the fierceness of
the breeze had increased sharply. It did not scream nor did it
threaten him but it appeared to him that something was being offered.
It was as if things could be carried away by this wind which seemed
to clear the mind as well as the head.
Seeker knelt and washed his face and hands in the stream. As he
lifted up his dripping head which was quickly dried by the force of
the wind, he saw in his mind’s eye the tree under which he and the
Guide had sat. He noticed its fall of leaves. He also saw the path
they had trodden. The pathway which had carried him to this place
was bare rock with a covering of tufted grass only at its edges.
Suddenly he remembered what the Guide had said about being stripped
bare. Only now did he see a connection. The tree loses its leaves
to prepare for new growth:
answer to the question “Who am I?” now meant for the Seeker “I
am one who must examine, acknowledge and seek to put right for those
things which lie in the past but which I now perceive to be wrong.”
As the wind blew in that high place it was as if it was beginning to
carry away some of the self-deception that had so often kept him from
seeing the reality of his actions. Now he was, perhaps for the first
time in his life, prepared to be honest with himself.
the Seeker left the source of the river he moved steadily downwards
and out of the path of the wind. His mind was full of thoughts,
ideas and questions. It was just as if someone had entered a room
which had been sealed for decades and had lifted the sheets from its
pictures and furnishings. As the curtains were drawn and windows
opened, so fresh air and light entered to dispel the gloom blowing
away the layers of dust that had accumulated over the years. He
recognised that he was experiencing feelings he had not sensed for as
long as he could remember.
depth of the sadness and shame the Seeker felt over his treatment of
the workman he had dismissed was something new to him and he found it
disconcerting and uncomfortable. He knew now that he had exercised
his legal rights without compassion and that therefore there had been
no justice. How could all those whose opinion he had sought, whom he
regarded as just and honourable have given him such poor counsel he
wondered. The advice of those men who had encouraged him to be firm
was now causing him to feel ashamed. As these feelings grew in him
so he walked faster and became angry. So it was that when he came to
the place where the paths forked he was striding at a great pace and
flushed with rage at himself and those he had thought of as his
friends. The Guide was sitting on a rock at the path's edge looking
down on the valley far below. As the Seeker drew level with him he
rose and fell in with his stride saying nothing.
walked together for some time in this way until eventually the
Seeker’s pace began to slacken as his anger subsided and the two
assumed a more leisurely progress. The Seeker asked the Guide about
his visit and learnt that it had been to a couple he had known for
many years whose lives were drawing to a close. The man in
particular had borne great physical difficulties with wonderful
fortitude and had received spiritual blessing which he had shared
with the Guide. The Seeker found it strangely rewarding to be a
listener in this way and to discover that the Guide appeared to be
valuing this opportunity to speak. What was even more intriguing was
the description of the experiences of the man approaching his death.
These embraced a number of occasions when he’d encounter light and
sounds which he seemed to have accepted as preparing him for his
final journey.
Seeker mused on his own recent experience of sound and colour which
amounted to a screaming greyness, and contrasted this with what the
Guide had described. He spoke of soft hues and gentle sounds which
reminded the Seeker, by way of comparison, of the gold, bronze and
gentle rustling of the tree under which they had sat on the journey
to the Perceiver’s cottage. In a minute or two of silence the
Seeker found himself disturbed by the emotion and warmth he heard in
the Guides description of his friends. He could not recall having
previously listened to someone speaking in this way nor to having
felt their feelings as personally. That, he mused, was because he
could not recall having listened to someone as carefully and closely
before nor had anyone previously trusted him with such feelings. He
was left wondering how many times he could have listened but either
could not spare the time or did not even realise it would be good for
him. And how many times had he heard people speaking but not
listened to what was being said especially, he realised to his shame,
by those he took for granted, namely his family.
two men rounded a bend in the path and there, in the gathering dusk,
stood the warm and welcoming cottage they had left that morning. The
door was open, indicating that the Perceiver had anticipated their
arrival and they entered. “Let us freshen up and meet in a little
while,” the Guide suggested and so the Seeker went to his room.
pool, his bed, the rock, were all exactly as he had left them that
morning and all had an air of familiarity which was comfortable and
welcoming. The Seeker realised that he was tired and grubby after
his day’s exertions and chuckled to himself recalling the Guides
tactful suggestion about ‘freshening up.’ The pool looked
inviting and the Seeker striped and lowered himself into the water
gasping slightly as the stinging coolness received him. He lay back
looking as the brown rock in his hands which he could not recall
picking up and smiling back involuntarily at the enigmatic young man
who looked down at him from the ceilings. His descent into the
chamber he had previously visited was calmer than it had been before.
Then he had not known what to expect, now his surroundings were more
familiar. The pool into which he emerged was exactly as he
remembered it and he climbed out, dried and dressed himself. He
walked, somewhat apprehensively, towards the mouth of the cave but
became increasingly aware that he could hear nothing. When he
arrived at the end of the passageway there indeed was the grey world
he remembered but no longer was the air thick with swirling dust nor
were his senses numbed by the screaming cold which had met him
a strange way the grey calm was as nerve racking as its violent
predecessor. The stillness contained an atmosphere of expectation, a
sense that an event was imminent, which was almost tangible. Once
again the Seeker placed his rock on a stone at the mouth of the cave
and started to climb across the boulders which previously had proved
so intractable. Eventually, and without, it seemed, undue effort he
reached the lip of the depression which housed the cave and found
himself on a plateau. This lay along the edge of what appeared to be
a range of very large hills. These stretched to the right and left
of him as far as the eye could see. Likewise the plateau spread out
before him broken only by occasional rocky outcrops. The scene could
have been described as desolation and yet it did not feel empty. The
Seeker felt that he needed to explore but that somehow the time was
not yet right. He sensed that there was something to discover in
this place but only after other tasks he was to undertake had been
completed. He went back to the cave mouth and collected the rock
with his mind full of these thoughts noting as he went the deep,
clear imprint that his feet had made in the grey dust covering the
rock surface. His return to the pool in his bedroom was accomplished
almost without his noticing it and once back in his bedroom, as
before, he could not say with any conviction where he had been or for
how long, if, indeed he had travelled at all.
fire, its warmth, the table spread with its evening meal and the
Guide and Perceiver relaxed and comfortable in their places, again
gave every impression that his arrival had been precisely timed for
the right moment. The Seeker seated himself and the meal began with
easy and inconsequential chatter about the day, the recent happenings
in the village the Guide had visited and news from his home. It was
not until the Seeker had finished his main course that the Perceiver
said to him, “And so today you came upon the source of our great
river,” and as she said this last word her gaze came up from her
plate and met his own filling him with an overwhelming sense that
somehow he was ‘known’. He realised, even as he spoke the word
inside himself, that it was inadequate. It also sounded foolish for
there was no evidence for it and was based on a momentary glance, yet
that was how it felt. He replied with a description of the climb and
enjoyment of it and his pleasure in the surroundings. When he had
finished there was a silence and the Seeker became aware that the
question which had been addressed to him called for more than an
account of his physical journey. “I also discovered something
about myself,” he said and spoke at some length about the
conclusion he had reached especially in the light of his
recollections from the past. “And” said the Perceiver, “what
have you made of your place apart?” The Seeker knew by now not to
be surprised that she seemed already aware that he had visited his
grey world again. He told them what had happened to him and of his
feelings and Guide and Perceiver listened attentively until he had
this time all three had moved to the fireside and the flames from the
glowing logs and the soft light created a comfortable world of warmth
and contentment. Eventually the Perceiver’s voice came from the
shadows of the firelight and did so this time reminding the Seeker of
a waterfall running over pebbles down a hillside. “You have spoken
of your need to seek to put things right and that is commendable, for
it begins a journey away from yourself towards the feelings of
others. You have also spoken of your anger towards those whose
advice you took and who you now see as having deceived you by their
selfishness. I wonder,” said the Perceiver, “if you can grasp
all that is happening to you and why?”
a pause the Perceiver continued. “Your friends, wise as they may
have been in the ways of the world, invited you to have faith in them
and their experience in such matters. They sought to take their
limited view and apply it to a much wider horizon than it could
serve. It is as if the scientist were to say ‘because I can
understand and explain the little I can now see, you must have faith
in me when I say I will ultimately be able to understand and explain
everything.’ Such a one would not be trustworthy because his claim
would be foolish and so his petition for your faith is fraudulent.
So it is with those to whose advice you paid so much attention; they
only considered how an action might affect your business isolated
from everything else. But life, as you are beginning to see, is
lived out on a much bigger scale than that. Even the rock I put in
your hand can speak to you and turn a place where you seem to know
nothing into one where you have a point of reference. Many people
have been affected by your past actions and your relationship with
them has been changed as a result. Others were influenced by your
example and followed it and so more lives were affected. The faith
you so easily placed in your friends caused their influence to spread
like a plague which then infected many dozens of lives.” The
Perceiver paused and then added in a whisper “and you did not even
fire crackled as another log was placed on it and wineglasses were
refilled. No one had spoken while the Perceiver sat wrapped in
thought. She continued seemingly unaware that there had been an
interval. “So much which influences who we are and what we do, we
are barely aware of; so to say we understand is to show how little we
really know. To admit to being at a lose is to begin the journey
towards real understanding. This does not mean that we must pretend
we know nothing, merely that we must acknowledge how much escapes us.
The mystery is that so much happens without our realising it and we
would be touched by so much more if only we gave ourselves time to be
open to it. So much of our time is spent being what others expect of
us that we do not have enough left over to be ourselves. We copy
others, adopt their ideas, arguments and standards. Ultimately,
because we have not given time to thinking things through for
ourselves, we put our faith in them and then we are lost. The
question ‘who am I?’ cannot then be faced because it frightens us
too much; that is because it asks us to stand apart from those who
give us our identity and we cannot do it.”
time, as the Perceiver paused, she lifted her head and gazed at the
Seeker. “Do you yet know the place you have visited, the grey
world of which you have told us?” The Seeker smiled the smile of
one upon whom realisation has dawned. “I believe that the place”
he said, “is within me. I am the grey world or rather perhaps it
represents what I am at present.” Having said this he suddenly
felt a great weariness as though the very making of the statement had
itself required an enormous effort.
the Perceiver spoke again it was as if she were whispering from a
very long way away. “The beginning of the journey is indeed from
within each one of us,” she said. “The Way passes the gate that
stands just beyond the doorway of our hearts. There are many who are
so committed to those who give them identity that they never even
discover that the gate exists. You have opened it and stepped onto
the Way. The storm within you has been stilled by the discovery of
your need for forgiveness. Now the journey can begin in earnest.
For today you have done enough, so go and have a peaceful night.”
his night’s rest the Seeker learnt many things. They were
confused: there were jumbles of stones and greyness, eyes that sought
him out and gazed upon him questioningly, winds and rivers carrying
sounds which beat upon him and then caressed him. He awoke with a
very keen awareness of a need to return to his home. When he
announced this over breakfast, his decision seemed to be greeted with
a quiet approval and no great surprise. At the door of her cottage
the Perceiver bade him farewell with a smile which spoke of a time
yet to come. The Guide and the Seeker strode the path to the village
at an easy pace and took no time at all. It was downhill and the
village almost seemed to rush to meet them. Again when the Seeker
said that he proposed to continue his journey straight away the Guide
expressed no surprise and, having provided food and drink, said
farewell with no hint of finality. His ‘Goodbye’ carried the
clear message that they would meet again.
Seeker’s welcome home contrasted starkly with his departure from
the Perceiver and the Guide. Whereas with them there was warmth and
the promise of renewed acquaintance in the future, here there was
uncertainty and apprehension. The Seeker knew now that to discover
the Way was one thing, to walk it quite another. He also recognised
how his time away had changed him. In a few short days his
understanding of himself and his world had been transformed. He had
discovered within himself a personal world of which he had never
before been aware. He had also recognised that it was possible to
explore beyond that personal world and to go into another of which it
was a part. And then there was the whole question of his standards
and values and the way in which they had determined his life. His
wealth, business, his priorities, all of these had been questioned
within the larger question, “Who are you?” How could he explain
to his family that the man who had left them some days before had
returned with his heart set on a very different path from the one he
had previously followed.
Seeker had wrestled with these concerns on his journey home and had
recognised that the river, the tree and the rock he had encountered
on his journey had spoken to him from the way they were. He had met
them and learned from them, not out of any explanation they offered
him about themselves, but by being what they were and waiting for him
to discover what he could from them. Thus it was that, rather than
trying to convince his family that he had something new to say, he
let them discover a different approach in him. He found himself
talking about the insights he had gained and the places to which he
had journeyed. He found it hard to describe the Guide and the
Perceiver other than by the up-welling of warmth that he felt towards
each of them and which spoke through him when he described his
journeys and the cottage with its pool.
imperceptibly almost, each relationship within his family grew in a
new way. They were hesitant at first but gradually grew in strength
as the late days of autumn, full of gold and bronze burned their way
across the evening of the year. On the mantle-shelf above his fire
the Seeker’s stone glowed its warm brown. It spoke to each member
of the Seeker’s family of the things that do not change and how
they could be reached if there were time and an awareness of the
the time of quietness he now observed each day, the Seeker spent some
while contemplating the worker he had dismissed. He reconstructed
the events so that he now assisted the man rather than ignoring him,
retaining rather than rejecting and seeing happiness in his daughter
rather than her sadness. It was strangely unsurprising when one day
his daughter told him that her friend had been visiting in the town
that day and they had met. Her father had successfully started his
own small business which had prospered. It seemed that he now looked
upon his dismissal as a blessing in disguise without which things
would not now be as good for him as they were.
were many other incidents in his life which the Seeker dwelt on in
those times of quietness. He spent them in what became known as his
place apart. This was a small part of a room at the top of his house
which overlooked a quiet part of the garden. It was bare apart from
a chair and a small cushion on which the Seeker could kneel, if, as
he put it, he wanted to bring himself down to earth. This place
became peopled with all those where there were things which needed to
be put right. As the images unfolded it became clearer and clearer
to the Seeker that he had never been in control of his business life,
rather it had dominated and controlled him. The business clubs to
which he belonged were nothing more than places in which to seek
solace from a demanding master who took more and more of his time,
compassion and integrity and gave back nothing that made him more
human. Even the money, which was he now saw, the sole reward for his
devotion to his business, turned into a devouring monster when he
contemplated it in the quietness.
inner revelations slowly altered the Seeker’s attitude and conduct.
As his focus became more balanced between his work and home, so his
family gradually adjusted to a changed member in its midst. All this
contemplation was prompted and guided, it seemed to him, by the
Perceiver, whose thoughts came to him from a great distance and yet
as clearly as if from across the hearth. However the eyes which once
saw through to his heart now focused from within him as did the
promptings about people and areas within his life which needed
attention. The Seeker no longer saw a face or figure not that, as he
recalled it, he ever had done so with any clarity. Only the
Perceiver’s voice and eyes remained and the one reflected the
waters of the river and the other defied description. It was as if
the light which had once explored him and revealed the arid greyness
of his life now illuminated those barren places and encouraged life.
his quietness the Seeker had shed tears as his unintentional
heartlessness had been revealed to him. He now perceived from within
himself that, as the tears fell in the wilderness of his heart, tiny
flowers began to grow. Each time in his place apart he visited the
many people whose lives he had affected adversely and the
opportunities to improve situations he had let slip by him, a sense
of relief touched him. Where this feeling came from he could not
tell but he perceived that the other person whose presence he had
sensed and dimly discerned in the grey desert was somehow a part of
the answer. It was in response to the need to understand more of
these feelings that he became aware of a growing plan to visit the
Guide again.
his way back to the village where his journey had begun the Seeker
mused on his parting from his family. Whereas before the farewells
had been formal and perfunctory, now there was a genuine sadness and
a tinge of excitement. It was as if a question were being asked
about what he would discover and what he would bring back. He had
sent word of his intentions to the Guide and so it was that on a
crisp and bright spring morning full of the white flowers that are
its herald he arrived at the familiar door. His welcome was all that
he could have wished for and lacked nothing in the warmth he felt
able to reciprocate. He renewed his acquaintance with the Guide’s
family who disappeared to attend to this and that leaving the fire
and wine for the enjoyment of traveller and friend.
again the Seeker experienced the silence which made no demands but
opened itself to the words it would accommodate. When he was alone
in his place apart the quality of the silence was the same. Here,
where another was present with him physically, was no different from
when he the only one present in the room. The Seeker recognised with
a deepening sense of shock something which until this moment had been
hidden from him. He realised that it was only now, when the Guide
was with him, that he knew how it felt to be in silence with another.
He had not shared his quiet times with any member of his family and
so only now did he have a comparison and there was no difference. He
knew now that in fact he had not been alone on all those other
occasions and it was something he could not comprehend.
this journey of growing awareness took place within the Seeker, the
Guide remained silent and relaxed in his chair by there fireside. He
seemed for all the world to be oblivious of the struggle taking place
across the hearth from him. His discernment was vindicated however
when eventually he spoke. “Tell me my friend,” he said, “since
we last spoke what is the most important thing you have discovered?”
And before the Seeker had any time to think over his reply he said,
"That I have not been alone.” The Guide gazed at him with
that enquiring look which compelled him to continue. “All those
hours that I have sat alone in my room turning out the rubbish of my
life, examining the bad memories and gazing on the faces of those I
injured by my carelessness, I was in fact never alone. I took the
silence and the space around me as emptiness. Now, here with you, I
know it was not. Someone else was with me all that time. I also
discovered forgiveness. I have come to know that I cannot undo the
things I did but by accepting my wrongdoing I feel that I could
perhaps improve the outcome. I could also prepare myself to avoid
similar mistakes in the future. Now I feel that whoever was with me
understood all that was happening and was party to my feeling
forgiven. However I do not understand because no one was physically
the Guide had heard anything of this he gave no sign. “Have you
revisited the grey place of which you spoke before or learnt anything
else about your inner self?” he enquired.
said the Seeker, “I have not been to that place again but I
recognise where it is and I know it awaits me. However I have also
recognised that the Perceiver has guided me as I have worked with my
recollections from the past and I feel her presence as part of what
lies within now rather than as something coming from without.”
was another long silence. In it the room seemed at one and the same
time to fill the universe and yet only to contain the two of them.
Or was there another?
this silence in your room, who created it do you think? Was it you
entering your place apart or was it already there waiting to meet
seemed to the Seeker that these words spoken by the Guide were taken
up by the silence itself and expanded until they became a great
chorus of autumn leaves and cascading water falling into his mind.
The words in turn raised up others forming questions. “Whose
space? Whose silence? Whose forgiveness? Just as speedily the
sounds died away leaving only one question. From somewhere beyond
himself the Seeker heard his own voice “I am someone who has
experienced forgiveness and discovered a way. Now I want to
understand how to continue my journey.”
know that the silence of which you speak is part of the way and that
the way passes through a wilderness. That wilderness lies within
each one of us and yet, like the silence we who travel the way share
what it teaches us. It is the gift of the One who questions us and
whose Spirit is our guide. You know something of this Spirit for you
have met one who is full of her. The same Spirit who guides the
Perceiver will guide each one of us if we allow it.”
Seeker considered these things. A silence awaited him; in other
words he did not create silence for himself, it had always been there
waiting for him to discover it. It, the silence, had waited
patiently until he made himself available to discover and approach
it. That silence was part of the journey, part of the way. The way
was not just some pathway from one place to another but an approach
to life itself which differed from some others because it gave and
demanded nothing in return. It allowed itself to be entered rather
than making those who sought it, captive. It also offered a path to
self-knowledge through the promptings of the same Spirit that guided
the Perceiver and a way of experiencing forgiveness for acknowledged
wrongs. And all of this was shared; the way began within but all
travelled the same way. The Spirit was within him and yet guided all
others on the same path. And there were no demands, only the
observance of those disciplines which he felt aided his journey. The
Seeker reflected on the enormity of this vision. He felt that he was
glimpsing another world whose boundaries merged with his own just at
the edge of the picture in his mind. It was one in which the
greyness of his inner world became the lush green of fruitful summer
with silence as its warm and welcoming air.
I am to help you open the gate of your heart and set your foot upon
the way then we must look again at your thoughts and feelings. How
do you see your mind and your heart now that you have revisited your
past?” The Guide and Seeker were treading again the path by the
river leading away from the village. The day was bright and clear
with the remains of the overnight frost still thick on the ground
where it was not yet touched by the sun. “Let your mind see what
it thinks about all that you have felt since we first met. Let your
heart see what it feels about your thoughts.” Faced with this
challenge the journey progressed in silence.
they walked the Seeker remembered the silence which had accompanied
them when he and the Guide had last spoken of such matters; it seemed
a lifetime ago. Then thoughts and feelings had confronted him with
an enigma which prevented him from discovering the truth. Somehow in
that conversation he had managed to slide away from actually
confronting the conflict within him. He now recognised that then the
time had not been right to go further than he had. But now where
should he begin? The Guide had told him to take his thoughts and see
how he felt about them. Was that right? Was he primarily a person
who thought first and felt later? On the first journey he would have
agreed that it was so without hesitation but now he was not so sure.
He felt differently about himself because he had become far more
conscious of his reactions to situations when previously he would not
have given them a second thought.
feel cleaner, freer and more relaxed and I think that has helped me
to see how the way ahead might be different from the past. In fact I
think I see a path that is right for me, one that makes me feel
contented even if I am somewhat apprehensive.
journey began in earnest when I decided to seek your guidance a
second time. I understand what you have said to me about silence, I
know that I have changed because I now consider what I feel first and
then think how I might go ahead with those feelings. In other words
I bring my thoughts to my feelings by letting what I feel inform my
Guide gave a grunt of satisfaction. “Then,” he said "you
must take your first step into the wilderness. If you are right in
your assessment of yourself and I believe you are, there you will
encounter other questions.”
familiar cottage came into view as they climbed away from the valley.
The Seeker became aware that the river was in spate, full of
thunderous noise and boiling foam. The cottage garden was white with
snowdrops which were passing their best as the yellow of mature
springtime began to take their place. A climbing plant which hung
about a porch was already covered with fresh green leaves and full
flower buds hung ready to challenge the remains of winter
long they were seated together with the Perceiver having been
provided with warm welcomes and hot drinks. The late afternoon
sunshine illuminated the room in which a fire gathered strength in
the hearth.
were exchanged and news imparted and when it was done the Perceiver
looked intently at the Seeker and said, “You have come with a need;
can you say what it is?” “To travel further.” he replied.
“By way of the wilderness?” the Perceiver asked. “If that is
where the Way lies, yes.” was his response. He looked at the
Perceiver’s eyes and saw there the gaze that he had come to know so
well in his place apart and a smile crossed her face as she
acknowledged his recognition.
Way is a hard one to travel,’ mused the Perceiver gazing into the
fire. ‘It is a rocky path, narrow and often difficult to discern;
it will test and try you.’ Her gaze settled on him again. She had
not spoken in a questioning way and did not seem to expect any
response except that which she saw in him for herself. When she
spoke again it was clear that a decision had been reached. ‘Come
with me,’ she said and indicated that the Guide should join them.
Perceiver led them into the familiar passageway but this time they
did not enter the room containing the pool, instead the Perceiver
opened a door on the opposite side of the passage. The room beyond
was smaller, cosier and less formal. A window looked out on the
valley below but more immediately a vista of racing clouds and
brilliant blue sky filled the view. A bed to one side, a small
table, an upright chair below the window and a comfortable armchair
were the furnishings. There was a small sink in a corner behind the
door. Another door opened to reveal storage space and shelves and
the Perceiver took the Seeker’s bag and placed it on one of them
‘This is all you need,’ she said and, nodding to the Guide, she
Guide pointed the Seeker to the armchair and went and stood gazing
out of the window. ‘To begin your journey you must find the gate
which opens on to the Way’ he said. ‘The gate lies within your
heart but for so many it is difficult to find because they think they
already know the way to go and so do not test their thought in their
hearts. With others they focus on themselves so much that it
obscures the gate. It is placed in such a way as to be much more
accessible when we are focused on others rather than ourselves. When
we discover it we realise why so many overlooked it. They are
expecting something ornate and grand but those who travel this path
do so in the company of those who recognise the handicraft of a good
carpenter. Do not look for ironwork giving access to a grand avenue;
the Way is a humble path but it climbs to eternity.’
do I begin to look for the gate?’ the Seeker asked. ‘By taking
your mind into your heart. Think of those you love and for whom you
are concerned. Think of what is best for them. Feel the love you
have for them and let it expand to enfold your thoughts; then rest
but remain alert. When heart and mind are unified they enable the
Spirit within you to search for the gate. When all three set foot on
the Way together, your soul which comprises all that you are will
begin its journey. Use this candle as your focus.’ The Seeker
listened intently to this response to his question and watched as the
Guide lit a candle on the table. He then felt the Guide’s hands
upon his head and heard the words “Travel in peace” and with that
he was left alone.
some while he sat with his mind filled with images of his wife,
children and various friends about whom he was concerned. He
expressed his love for them all in their different needs and
gradually he felt more still and peaceful than had been the case for
a very long while. The total silence of his room and the light of
the candle brought forth a response from inside him which seemed to
permeate his whole body and then radiate out to meet its counterpart
in the room around him.
light of the candle grew brighter so that the space around it seemed
to merge into equal darkness. That darkness itself deepened into a
blackness of such intensity that it seemed almost tangible. Yet
there was nothing in the experience which threatened the Seeker. The
darkness became almost like black velvet enfolding and supporting him
while the light was so intense that he was forced to close his eyes
in order to protect them. It was then that he experienced feelings
similar to those he had undergone when descending through the pool.
He acknowledged their familiarity but now continued to focus on his
thoughts and feelings for family and friends. It was as if he was
moving through the darkness and meeting each one in turn emerging
from the light. ‘It is almost as though this soft and supporting
darkness represents my feelings and each person comes to me from the
light of my thoughts,’ the Seeker said to himself. Indeed each
person who came into his thoughts was enveloped in his feelings. and
appeared to him to be carried up in a cloak of black velvet which
cushioned and caressed them.
his progress continued the Seeker was attracted to a patch of light
in the distance and moved towards it. This area was populated by
numerous people busying themselves in all sorts of activity. There
was a general movement along a broad road on which some walked and
others danced. Yet others were transported in all manner of
conveyances some of which were familiar to the Seeker and others not.
It was as if the highway was so vast that it was capable of handling
as much traffic as there might be and whatever those travelling
wanted to do would to be possible. Some bathed in sunshine on one
side of the highway while opposite others played on snow covered
slopes. All this appeared to the Seeker in a series of pictures as
if he were using a huge kaleidoscope. He fancied that in some of
these pictures he saw colleagues from his past and that they were
beckoning to him to come and join them. Indeed when he tried to turn
away it took considerable effort to do so because there seemed so
much to do and enjoy.
the Seeker had noticed that his companions to whom he had previously
been devoting his thoughts and feelings were no longer alongside him
as they had been. So alluring had been the sights that had attracted
him that he had failed to notice their absence. As soon as he
refocused his thoughts and feelings he saw in the distance a number
of faint lights and moved towards them. The effort required to do
this was considerable such was the pull of the previous attractions
but the Seeker persisted. As the faint lights becomes stronger so
the task of reaching them became easier. Eventually looking back the
Seeker saw that the broad highway was now just a patch of light again
and the objects towards which he had been moving proved to be some of
his family and friends as he had envisaged them. However, beyond
them there now shone another small, bright light towards which they
were all moving and before which they eventually halted.
the time the Seeker and his companions came to rest, their
destination had taken shape and there before them stood a small but
sturdy wooden gate. Beyond this lay a pathway fringed by a profusion
of trees and shrubs. The Seeker was astonished and exhilarated by
the richness of the tapestry of colours contained within flowers and
leaves of all shapes. There was a mysterious sense of expectancy in
the pathway as it disappeared on its wooded way. Occasionally a
traveller would approach the gate, open it and step onto the path
soon to disappear from view. The Seeker pondered the feeling he had
that he should follow. He looked around at his companions only to
discover that they had disappeared and he was completely alone. He
realised that he did not question his assumption that this gate
marked the beginning of the Way he was seeking and that it was his
focusing on others that had led him to it.
his gaze returned to the wooden gate someone was working on it
repairing a joint. The Seeker approached and the workman looked up.
The Seeker found himself reminded of the young man whose picture he
had seen on the ceiling of his first room in the cottage and he also
recognised again the great similarity to the Perceiver’s eyes. The
young man opened the gate and the Seeker stepped past him. Almost at
the same moment the Seeker saw a subtle change in the light around
him. He looked back at the young man whose smile seemed to say,
‘Your journey will begin here.’
Seeker felt the scene moving away from him and that the bright light,
which caused him to close his eyes, was fading. He opened his eyes
to find himself in his room with the remains of the candle
spluttering in its holder. Outside night had fallen and the inky
blackness was punctuated only by the twinkling of stars and a pale
quarter moon. Below, in the far distant valley were dotted a few
lights which seemed like pinheads on a black cushion. The Seeker’s
stomach sounded the approach of supper-time and he responded.
Seeker was not surprised that the Guide and Perceiver appeared just
to have sat down so that his arrival seemed to be exactly on time.
Their conversation included him quite naturally, indeed he now
recognised names both from the Guide’s own village and the one
beyond the cottage in the next valley. The Seeker had to suppress
his excitement since he wished to relate his experiences while they
were still fresh in his mind. However, the opportunity never arose.
the meal drew to a conclusion the Perceiver looked at him with a
gentle smile, ’You must return to your journey without delay’ she
said, ‘we have kept you from it for far too long. Her steady gaze
left no room for argument and the Seeker returned to his room puzzled
and disappointed. He lit a fresh candle, settled in his chair and
went over what he would have said had he been allowed to speak.
Almost without realising it his imaginings merged into reality and he
was standing on the pathway again. He began to walk, admiring the
variety of trees and other plants as he did so. There was, he noted,
an abundance of bird life and flowers of many different kinds; some
familiar, others new to him. After walking for some while he noticed
that the way ahead was now less distinct than it had been at first.
Indeed he now found himself hesitating about which way to go. Since
a nearby tree offered a broad branch at a convenient height, the
Seeker sat down on it and allowed himself to rest.
the Seeker mused, had the clear path suddenly become so indistinct?
The euphoria he had felt on finding it was fast evaporating and yet
he knew that was no response. What was more, in a strange way he
could now understand why the Perceiver might not have wished to hear
from him over supper; after all finding a path was one thing,
travelling it quite another. Thinking about previous journeys
particularly with the Guide, the Seeker looked around him; what was
there to learn and what could his surroundings teach him?
Seeker noted the height of trees which permitted tall shrubs to have
a space beneath them. The bushes with their compact branches and
dense structures nevertheless allowed for tender plants of various
kinds and hues to nestle around them and to have a secure foothold
from which to push out. The small birds that found shelter in the
bushes and fed from the shrubs flitted about while their bigger
cousins flew from treetops high above.
Seeker began to see the order of things which previously had eluded
him. Although going nowhere in the sense of journeying as he was,
each plant had its place and purpose. ‘What’ the Seeker asked
himself, ‘is mine? Why am I travelling this path? In order to
discover a better way,’ was his response. ‘I want to learn about
myself and the way of things about me. I am on the right path, but
now I must discover what it has to teach me.’ The Seeker had it in
mind to retrace his steps and begin again but when he rose from his
branch the narrow path seemed so remarkably clear that he was
surprised that he had not been able to see it earlier. He put his
lapse down to tiredness and renewed his journey with fresh vigour.
the pathway widened into a clearing in one part of which there was
what appeared to be a garden. No dwelling was immediately visible
but the seeker’s gaze was so arrested by a profusion of roses
growing in a standard fashion, that he ignored the apparent absence
of buildings in his desire to look more closely at the flowers. The
range of colour was quite stunning and the air was heavy with a blend
of different scents each subtly trying to draw his attention. There
being no fences it seemed quite natural to explore this natural
delight, almost as if a painting had been placed in his way to enjoy.
It seemed equally unremarkable when he came upon the young man he
had seen repairing the gate, tending a rose by removing some spent
flowers. Aren’t they beautiful,’ the young man said. ‘They
teach us so much.’
Seeker had never before considered the educational properties of
roses and so the statement was arresting in itself. When delivered
in the same gentle but clear manner as the Perceiver’s and with the
same gaze as a counterpoint, the Seeker was completely taken aback.
young man seemed to take the Seeker’s silence as an indication that
he should continue. ‘The rose takes from soil and sun and gives in
return. What it takes is there for all living things. What it gives
back is however, unique to each plant and on each plant each flower
is itself unique, special to its own place and time.’ He took a
rose and, without breaking the stem, held it cupped in his hand.
‘The life of this flower is dedicated to giving. By its shape and
colour it gives pleasure to the eyes. As it unfolds it gives scent
to please us by perfuming the air about it. It feeds the bees that
visit it and will decorate our homes if we wish. We can take it and
as we give it to another, let it speak for us whether in our sadness
or our joy. This flower speaks of love because it gives throughout
its life. You could not give it to another out of hatred, only out
of your own love, for this flower can speak no other language. It
lives and dies in giving and speaking of love. Love speaks through
this rose; it has discovered its purpose and place.’
Seeker bent to take in the gentle perfume that the vibrant red flower
offered him. He closed his eyes and was enfolded in the moment. When
he straightened and looked round, he was alone.
he returned to himself he found the candle had long since burned out.
He sat for sometime reflecting on how desolate his knowledge had been
up to this point and how transient. He also saw with absolute
clarity in a blinding moment that all he knew at any one time held
good for only a short while before it was overtaken, became outdated
and was absorbed by other deeper truths. As he adjusted to that
realization and what it meant for his future understanding of his
life it was as if a light shone into him and for the first time in
his life he saw within himself
the Perceiver would speak to him of the eye of the spirit and he
would then recognize that this moment was when he had first become
aware that such a thing might exist and that indeed the eye had
opened within him. For now he was aware of himself as more than a
mere accumulation of the knowledge he possessed and the atoms of
which he was composed but also realised that he knew nothing of what
lay beyond that truth. He pondered how he had allowed his mind to
tyrannise him into believing that his knowledge was all-important,
indeed, in some ways, all he was.
was, he recognised now, a need to seek more guidance and to continue
the journey he had begun. It was as if this doorway into himself
which had now become visible had done so at the moment when he had
discovered the gate. He needed help in understanding what lay beyond
it so that he could grasp its real significance.
also needed to know where the pathway he had begun to explore was
located. How could it be so real when he came to it having left this
room and this chair? He had held a rose, enjoyed its aroma, indeed
he could still detect its scent and yet where had he been and why was
it so important?
Seeker went in search of the Guide only to discover the Perceiver
sitting alone at her fireside working on a tapestry of a country
garden. Her smile welcomed him and he saw sandwiches and cake waiting
for him on the table. As she made a pot of tea using the kettle
which had been simmering at the hearth the Perceiver asked "Have
you journeyed far, today?” The Seeker responded by telling her
about the path, the rose bed and his encounter. In the silence which
followed he thought about his questions and eventually asked "Where
is the place I visit?"
seemed as though time stood still as the Perceiver gazed into the
fire and then at the Seeker before slowly raising a hand whose index
finger brushed the left breast of his shirt. "It lies within
you" she said "the desert you saw has come to life now and
your inner eye has opened to see it".
the Perceiver spoke again it seemed to the Seeker that it was from a
long way off. Her voice sounded like a whisper. “You have a
question” she said, more as a statement than an inquiry and then
she waited. “Who spoke to me in the garden?” the Seeker asked.
answer that question you need to understand so much more”, the
Perceiver said. “We have all been taught to respect each
individual and each one of us is expected to make his or her own way.
We are told that we each have our own space, as it were, and that is
right. In reality however we are much more closely linked with each
other than we might choose to imagine. The truth is that we all
spring from and are composed of the same substance as the universe
that surrounds us.”
ago the space in which we now live with a part of that great void,
most of which still lies beyond our understanding. It was then that
the One, in contemplation, envisaged the
world that
could exist within the
void. And so it was that the light of the Presence of the One,
foreseeing the creation of the universe, went forth until the One
spoke the Word of creativity. The Word gathered together the
substance of creation and the essence of life itself and sent it
forth in a great, blazing outburst of joyous celebration.”
this one moment of creation the seeds of all living things, plant and
flower, beast and bird, found their place in the formation of the
stars and planets to await their awakening as the Word prescribed.
In the fullness of time the Word spoke again and raised up the
potential for self-awareness and conscience in humankind. All that
you perceive, everything and everyone that you know and see, is
formed from what the spoken Word and the Presence energized. Without
that substance and light no life would exist. Just as the Word was in
the creation so the Word and the Presence are in the One. As the
Presence I told you about enables the Word to be present in you and
offers you life, but the Word within offers you understanding as well
and waits for you to go in search of it.”
Seeker’s head spun as the picture painted by the Perceiver
gradually gained colour and perspective in his mind. For him, who
previously had only the vaguest thoughts about these things, the
tapestry was vast and he felt so insignificant. He tried to picture
the One and the Word. As if she had understood his thoughts the
Perceiver spoke again. “It is,” she said, “hard for us to
imagine the One. The universe is vast beyond our comprehension and
we are wise of we just accept that it is so. There are those who
probe its depths to try to give it form for us to grasp but many of
us can only stand in awe and wonder and accept. The Word however
would, I imagine, be very much like the young man you say you have
encountered. His involvement with our world revealed that the One
had an understanding of our need to relate to the source of creation.
The Word was a response to our need.”
the Seeker realized that he felt enormously tired. His mind was full
and images had begun to whirl before him in an alarming manner.
Slowly, after a while, the room came back into focus and he realized
that the Perceiver had left. The Guide had taken her place and now
smiled at him and suggested a stroll. The prospect of fresh air
appealed and pushed the tiredness into the background.
walking for some time in silence, the Seeker said, “The way ahead
isn’t clear to me. I am beginning to see how much more there is to
understand both about myself and what I am learning.”
story of the journey the Word made when he was here with us in our
world was recorded by a number of authors and their versions of
events are included among other writings which tell us both about
ancient times and reactions to the coming of the Word.”
are those who regard all these texts as inspired by the One, others
see that what the Word said and did is more important. These records
may help you, not just by what is taught, but also by the example
which the Word left for us. He showed us how to go about things,
how, if you like, to find him in life today.”
how is that?” asked the Seeker. They had stopped walking and sat
now on a grassy outcrop surveying the distant valley. Tiny spring
flowers dotted the rock where it was exposed but grass had not yet
claimed the space. The sun was rising fast and provided pleasant
by his guidance on how we should live day to day and how we should
treat each other better than we do. You have been looking at a
different way of going about things in your own life and already you
know that it feels good to have done so. But then there is silence
and using it to approach the One. It may sound strange, even
paradoxical, to say so but the Word shows us how we should use
silence in order to communicate beyond the here and now."
the Seeker these words announced something incredible. His life had
been altogether earthbound and rational until his exploration with
the Seeker had began. Admittedly since then some of his experiences,
especially at the Perceiver’s cottage, had been strange but
explicable as dreams and imaginings. Compared with them however,
what the Guide now suggested went much, much further. He was saying
that the Seeker could communicate with the One who created the
universe. Suddenly the sheer beauty of the valley struck him and his
gaze was then attracted by a small white flower nestling in the crack
of one of the rocks nearby. “All this”, he found himself saying,
“All this.” As if he could see into his mind the Guide replied,
“Yes, all this and you and me too. Don’t forget that we too were
envisaged and brought into being.”
do I start?” the Seeker asked. “By letting the Perceiver explain
one or two of the thoughts and ideas the Word bought to us and
listening to reflections on them This is not a work to be rushed
into, for it will search you very deeply. It will show you parts of
yourself you do not presently know. It will, when you set out on
this journey, become darkest right before you see a glimmer of dawn
and the night itself may be very long.” The Guide’s tone had
left no room for doubt as to his seriousness. The Seeker knew the
option was his. He did not have to journey at all or indeed begin it
now. The Guide’s way of explaining what could lie ahead made it
clear that to stop and consider would seem perfectly sensible. Once
again the rose came into the Seeker’s mind, the flower which knew
its place and purpose. The One looked at the rose and the rose
nodded back knowing that it was as it should be. “I would like to
begin to learn,” the Seeker announced and the Guide smiled in
response. Together they began the journey back, now warmed by a
midday sun.
Tony Kidd copyright 2015