John 14 vs 1 - 14
“We beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth”
These words from John’s Gospel
tell of the most tremendous, transforming experience in John’s long life. They
speak to us of the glory of the man who became John’s Lord and Master, a glory
that John saw each and every day in the company of Jesus in the same way as the
Apostle Peter also saw it.
For both men the glory they saw
was life-changing, just as it was for St Paul
on the road to Damascus . It was
something never- to- be- forgotten and an experience about which all three
wrote. And they were not alone.
The shepherds experienced a
heavenly display on a hillside above Bethlehem .
Their terror changed to awe and wonder, once they had been reassured by the
Angels they met, following which they were able go into the town to see that
God had been born in glory as an infant a stable.
Today we are told that Christmas
is for children and so, in a purely secular and commercial way, it tends to be.
But the real Christmas is for everyone,
young, middle-aged and elderly unlike. None are excluded. The account of the
birth of Jesus and its sequel is a message of hope, real hope, for us all.
As such it is also a reason for
thanksgiving for us all. This is because there are no exclusions. There are no
requirements to be born great, intelligent or lucky. Nor do we have to work for
the hope that is God’s gift to all mankind.
All that is needful to avail
ourselves of the hope of Christmas and beyond, is to open our ears and eyes and
hearts what God is saying to us ,what in other words he wants us to hear see
and do. We need nothing more.
When in due time Mary and Joseph took
Jesus to the Temple as required by
Jewish law, they were met by Simeon. He was now a very old man and had waited
all his life for this one day. Now he
saw the hope and glory given by God to mankind. Now he could at last depart in
peace having seen God’s plan for man’s salvation in the form of a little child.
Simeon is an encouragement to us
all and a person worth thinking about.
Firstly he teaches that it is never too late. Some are fit, others
perhaps not so; some of us are at peace, others have worries; some grieve,
while others rejoice; but we all have one thing in common. One day we will stand before God when our
sojourn here comes to its end. But the question for us is this: ‘Will we be able to speak as Simeon did?’
For some the answer is a
resounding ‘NO’ because fear or ignorance rules where love should abide. Jesus invites us to take into our lives the
love he offers along with the reassurance that it abides for ever.
John also confirms that those who
receive Jesus, those that is, who hear and accept his Word, can become sons and
daughters of God. That is a truly
amazing state of affairs which only requires our positive response in order to
become a present reality.
“Lord Jesus I believe, help thou my unbelief.”
Jesus is the child whose coming
into the world we celebrate on this day. He is the crucified and risen Lord through
whom God reveals his love which he shares with us if we allow it.
‘His love has no
limit, his grace has no measure,
His power has no
boundary known unto man.
For out of his
manifest riches in Jesus
He giveth and giveth
and giveth again.”
May that love
enable us all to see that what John Wesley said is true –
and may we be
able to say with St John “WE BEHELD